Recently 'artistic research' has entered secondary arts education to offer students new and challenging forms of research in addition to the traditionally written report. But what is artistic research? Can you research by doing, by trying, by experimenting? How do we create space to be able to learn throughout the whole process of research? And how, as a teacher, can you make use of inspiring methods and examples, to raise curiosity and interest of students in research?
When researching, artists often use their artistic strategies as method - whether musicians, theatre makers, or video artists. These methods can help to find and take more space for creativity in the research process. In an afternoon session for teachers in secondary education, we learn from Veerle Spronck, researcher and PhD candidate at Maastricht University, about the advantages and possibilities that these different methods offer during several stages of the research process. After an introduction in artistic research, and how artists apply it to their practice, we will think together, during a workshop, about how to use these research methods in the classroom.