D.O.R. (Deadly Oregone Radiation) is a collaboration between artists Kristian Øverland Dahl, Sverre Gullesen & Steinar Haga Kristensen. In 2006 they coined the term Neo-relational to define the work of their group. For D.O.R. “Neorelationel is summing up the spirit of this practice – means being in favour of the defeat of the logo-centrism of Western culture and a pragmatism restoring the importance of instinct to the work of art”, and, “Neo-relational has provided a contextual answer to the general catastrophe of history and culture moving beyond the pure materialism of techniques and new materials and coming to the in actuality of performance meant as the ability of giving back to the creative process its intense negotiable, the depth of an action which does not renounce the pleasure of representation and narration”. The performances of D.O.R. are works where the recovery of theatrical technique goes beyond the limits of the more abstract and conceptual works that marked the art of the 90’s. In choosing of practice, a choice deeply influenced by their attraction to the vivid thought, D.O.R. is guided by their feelings and choose on impulse according to personal interpretation of what art should be about, which is, they state, “something simple and unaffected”. For Witte de With’s performance program Let Us Compare Mythologies (2010) they produced three video’s and two performances entitled Situation. The Kashubian interregnum (New Theory) that delved deep into the shadow position of a minoritygroup in the fictional city of Danzig. Recent performances by D.O.R. at the Performance Festival at Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde (2010); From Processology to Neo-Relationalism- chaos to consensus, a debate, Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall (2009); Gallery Rekord (2008).