From the editorial team:

*23 skidoo

Strange enterprise, pitched between “the most important exhibition to date of the 21st century” and the symptomatic status of a ubiquitous escape artist, the pieces that twist through A Prior Magazine 23 constitute a kind of diptych, or a flight of Schroeder stairs. To be sure, each subject concentrated different problems. By promoting a global account of recent contemporary art production, dOCUMENTA (13) proposes itself as a plausible global accounting body, and still more radically, says this operation is important and necessary. Why?
Like all sublime contemporary phenomenon, d13 demands to be assessed on its own terms, according to criteria that it transmits; it begs the questions. Equally, like in some kind of interminable virtual life game, because he implicates the visitor as a spectator of themselves, rather than giving them a space to see from, Tino Sehgal slips through the fingers of conventional practices. There is, in a way, nothing to say about him; there are no elements to deconstruct, recurring metaphors or specimens to analyze, just a kind of radiant extension of impersonalizing agency.
Publisher: vzw Mark (A Prior magazine), School of Arts, Ghent
Editors #23: Daniel Miller, Bitsy Knox, Els Roelandt
Contributors: John Menick, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Vivian Sky Rehberg, Dieter Lesage, Messieurs Delmotte, Joe Scanlan, Nav Haq, David Senior, Dora Garcia, Nat Muller, Mai Abu Eldahab, Karin Hanssen, Susanne Kriemann, Renske Janssen, Dieter Roelstraete, Martin Zet, Ahmet Ögüt, Sven Augustijnen, P. Pan, Sebastian Cicocki, Younes Bouadi, Robert Kluijver, Tom from Berlin, Boy Vereecken, Marcos Luyten, Nina Möntmann, Joanna Warsza, Julia Mensink, Philippe Pirotte, Mascha Kuchejda, Kenneth Andrew Mroczek, Anne Daems, Christine Borch, Camilla Wills, Virginie Bobin, Andros Zins Brown, Alexander Provan, Michael Baers, and Renzo Martens.*

A Prior magazine is supported by the Flemish Community, School of Arts and the City of Ghent
23 Skidoo is made possible with the additional support of Netwerk Aalst and Vlaams Nederlands Huis Deburen
A Prior magazine, J. Kluyskensstraat 6, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Email: [email protected]; T. 0032 476 235494;